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31 Applying Negative Reinforcement for Calm Behavior (and what the past has taught us about challenging animal training science)

31 Applying Negative Reinforcement for Calm Behavior (and what the past has taught us about challenging animal training science)


In this episode, Hillary uses her experience as a guest speaker at the ABMA 2021 conference as well as her evolution on the principle of applying negative reinforcement in using space as a reinforcer to reinforce calm behavior in challenging birds to help the listener understand why this is such an incredible tool for our behavior change processes. She also addresses a few major issues that have come up when challenging subjects in animal training have occurred in the past and how we handle them, particularly in our treatment of female role models in STEM and the importance of sticking to our scientific principles.

This includes how exploring these topics lends itself to understanding how procedures within a principle occur across a spectrum, and positive and negative in the operant quadrants are not value judgments. Hillary also discusses what it means when public challenges occur and how that impacts the industry and animal welfare in the way that it informs trainers of all experience levels to explore new ways of exploring science.

Tangents include herd quitters, middle children, and egos.

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For more information on Dr. Joe Layng’s upcoming book, you can pre-order Non-Linear Contingency Analysis: Going Beyond Cognition and Behavior in Clinical Practice

And check out his podcast interview with Barbara Heidenreich: When Positive Reinforcement is Coercive and Negative Reinforcement is Not: Forget the Hierarchies! Behavioral Procedures are Non-Linear


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