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You can visit our birds, including owls, hawks, falcons, eagles, and so much more, at our farm in San Diego and book  your guided interactive experience with the birds and a licensed falconer and watch them fly and play. Have a feel what it’s like to have a raptor wrap its talons on your glove, a macaw free fly high above and alight on your arm, or a southern ground hornbill trot alongside you and ask for a neck rub, and discover how simple actions in everyday life can inspire you to become a warrior for wildlife. All of our experiences are through registration, so check out our calendar or contact us for other available dates!

Avian Behavior International strongly believes in forging human-animal connection inspired by animal-focused farm experiences and events. Our farm north of San Diego, California is home to many different species of friendly birds and farm animals, and our onsite events tie in conservation, agriculture with unique interactive animal experiences. Whether you are an animal lover looking for a special avian oasis for the family or over the moon for a chance to meet an owl face to face, the ABI farm has several different animal encounters.

Watch our Hawk Walk feature on The Zevely Zone on CBS8!

You can book a Hawk Walk here

Video credit: Jeff Zevely CBS 8
Click to read the article here

Interactive Animal Experiences