Equus asinus
Domestication of donkeys happened ~6,000 years ago
Transformed early pastoral societies and ancient states
Grass, weeds, and some woody vegetation
Can live up to 40 years
Meet our charismatic mini donkeys Frankie, Pepper, and Louise. These donkeys help with the overall health of the ranch. Their favorite snack is thistles, which are weeds that take over the land. Their hooves also help soften the ground around the ranch, pushing in roots and stems for better water absorption and carbon sequestration. This makes it easier for planting native plants for our honey bees.
You can meet them during any one of our ranch experiences. They love spending time with our guests. We do quite a bit of training with our donkeys for our workshops and online consultations and the Avian Behavior Lab.
Likes: Thistles and head scratches
Dislikes: Being separated from each other
Donkeys are great protecters of their herds!