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Capra hircus


The goat is one of the oldest domesticated animals and believed to be domesticated in the Fertile Crescent 10,000 years ago


Forbs, shrubs, leaves and grasses


15 years

Who They Are

Meet our unsung heroes of the ABI ranch! Peanut, Butters and Toast are the real GOATs when it comes to ranch management of brush and of cuddles. These guys help keep the trails clear of brush for our guests, as well as, help keep the ground soft when they frollick around on the hillside.

How You Can Meet Them

You can meet them during any one of our many experiences on the ranch. Whether you want to sharpen your training skills or just get a good goat cuddle in, be sure not to miss these fan favorites of Avian Behavior International.

Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Frolicking around the hillside together

Dislikes: Pigs stealing their food

What You Might Not Know About These Animals

Many people come for the owls but stay for the goats. They are highly intelligent and pack a huge personality!