28 Apr 47 The Constructional Approach to Animal Welfare and Training with Maasa Nishimuta and Sean Will
Whoa baby, y’all, this is another incredible interview that gives you a whole ‘nother paradigm to the think about in animal training. Let’s blow the lid off of the way we think of operant conditioning and dive deep with Maasa Nishimuta and Sean Will of CAAWT, or the Constructional Approach to Animal Welfare and Training. This conversation will have you rethinking the four quadrants, what the consequence(s) of your animal’s behavior might be, and how you think about problem behavior. We are so lucky that the constructional approach is gaining more traction in our atmosphere, as I mention in this conversation that I didn’t have the vocabulary for the procedures and processes I was seeing. So in effect, I didn’t have a good grasp at how different of a path the science was taking me.
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