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Gifts for Animal Lovers

Ripley Spectacled Owl

Gifts for Animal Lovers

This year, you can give unique gifts to your outdoor-living, animal loving, animal training, and bird crazy friends and family this holiday season!

We have incredibly beautiful calendars and greeting cards featuring our birds of prey, gorgeous crane and stunning raven. Proceeds are going to conservation organizations protecting natural spaces and wildlife in the Pantanal and Ripley Spectacled OwlCosta Rica. Your favorites, Guinness the Eurasian Eagle Owl, Teacup the Crowned Crane, Linus the White Necked Raven, Ripley the Spectacled Owl, Larue the Crested Caracara, and many more tell their stories and look good in golden light! Supplies are limited.

Sign up for an Experience this holiday season to spend time with the family, or purchase a gift certificate for a loved one! Contact us for available dates if your desired one isn’t listed.


For the those who want to nerd out on animal behavior even more, we have several options!

Our online animal behavior membership website is supporting amazing transformations for companion animal owners as well as professional animal trainers! With courses, a community forum, articles, podcasts, and downloadable tools, this website only started in August 2019 and is making waves of positive change and an incredibly supportive community.

We have a few spots left for our animal training workshops, including an advanced animal training workshop and a raptor training workshop.

man with hyacinth macaw